Thursday, October 4, 2007

Yup, I love babies :)

Babies are beautiful . Yes, they are. A baby is selfish, naughty and sometimes smelly. Still, I love them for being all those. They are born to be selfish but their parents teach them, they're naughty, their parents punish them.
They are so adorable, everytime I see a little baby, I feel like doing nothing else but going straight to him/her and giver him/her a nice cuddly hug. Unfortunately, I can't do that to every simgle baby I see.

There's my baby sister. She's already 5 but she'll always be my baby sister. No matter how old she is. She's cheeky, cute. smart, beautiful, adorable and like I said just now.. Selfish and a little smelly at times. She's so adorable that she can make my brother and I do stupid things just to see her smile and her rosy cheeks turn rosier. *smiles* Whenever she wants something, she'll give me the doggy doggy eyes and say ' Jie, can I please have it? ' Then i'll usually say ' Yes. ' Then she smiles.
On occasions when I say no, this is what happens. She'll say 'Jie, please.. can I have it? I REALLT REALLY want it '. Then I give her whatever she wants. Hehe. Nola. I mean depends on what she asks for =) I love her so muchie..

Then there the drop-dead-handsome baby Brian. He's one of the most adorable babies ever lived. He's witty, cute and chubby. Ps: He's greedy as well. He can really eat alot. I clearly remembered him stuffing Honey Stars into his mouth and it's like he has special saliva that he's is capable of swallowing without chewing. HAHA.

Babies are cute.

The moment I see a baby, I remember God's ever lasting love. He looks after us like we are babies. His constant care and love makes us grow and mature. He is strict when we do what we shouldn't. That's why, we are called his children and I'm proud to belong to Him.

Another thought.. Some people are plain cruel! Baby Ying Ying was burnt. She would have turned 3 few days ago. Im sorry this have to happen to her. Poor child. May God bless her.
Then there's Nurin. *exhales loudly* What is this world turning to? Please pray for the safety of the people around you and if you have siblings or children, make sure you keep an eye on them all the time.

That's all for now .
Take care and may God bless you.

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