Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Neopet Fever...

I just recently discovered this childish, cute and mindless site which can entertain me for God knows how long.
Call me a kiddo but this site has really cute stuff and fun games. Mindless fun.
You don't really have to think when playing. All you have to do is click click click and click! (:
See? A good way to de-stress or to transmit your anxieties or anger.
Better than counter strike what.. No need to kill anyone.. Haha. Guys, you can shake your head in disagreement. I understand.

The pets you can get from Neopets by adopting it or creating it at the beginning of the game.
The most important thing is they're all really cute looking.
Me likey! =)


  1. Si quieres tener un pincel Halloween para tu Neopet, copia y pega este texto 3 veces en cualquier correo electrónico, página, blog, foro o web, y si quieres un pincel Hada copia y pega 5 veces, luego visita y si lo has hecho bien, te aparecera un ¡A sucedido algo! Suerte ;)
