Friday, November 28, 2008

Blame the rain *grins*

Time has finally set me free from the dreaded A Levels. I told myself I'm going to make my time as productive as possible. Had a LONG list awaiting me(if you minus the stuff i mentioned in my previous post).
6.Play with puppy.
7.Bathe the dogs.
The moment i came home free from exams, it has been raining all the time!
Can't exercise, like jogging and all. I know you can say I can exercise at home and all, but I'd rather swim, or jog or walk..
Blame it on the rain. There's never been an evening that is rain-free.
SO, I made my time 'very' 'very' 'productive' and watched HEROES like gila.
I just started and I'm more than halfway through season 1. My goodness. Bet my eyes are gonna pop soon. Oh yeah, I exercised my mouth by eating, does that count? *puppy eyes*

I love Hayden Panettiera! The more I watch HEROES the more I like her, in and out of the show. She's just so gorgeous! She's not like super slim, tall, anaeroxic looking model that has that fake-but-attractive looks. She's short too, like me :p ..

Gota chao~
amy xoxo


  1. have you watched "Bring it on?" Now or never movie?

    I used to like Hayden 2 but when I watched that show (bring it on) i hated her

    You should see. They have alot of baddd words in there *toot*

    -Lynnzie ;)

  2. haha, yeah. i love tht show though :S, if you filter the bad words.. heh..

    i love her in HEROES, but don't watch k? it's not suitable for you. its gory. i nearly puked and freaked out the first time i came across some of those terrible stuff.. ehehe
