Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Face it girls, life's unfair..

Every month, we have to face the MOST dreaded event that never fails to haunt us.
What is it? Menstrual cramps.

It's not a serious medical condition which involves being admitted to hospital and all but it's dramatic enough for us to whine and not function for a day or two.

The pain is typically described as dull, aching, cramping and often radiates to the lower back..The pain is the result of uterine contraction caused by prostaglandins (a hormone found in your body).
The production of prostaglandins in the uterus is stimulated by the hormone progesterone, which is made by the ovary after ovulation has occurred. Other symptoms are dizziness, nausea and vomiting, headaches and diarrhea accompany menstrual cramps.

Here's a few ways to help remedy the pain and discomfort.

1.Get enough rest and try to release your stress and anxiety before your period is due. If you are tired and fatigue, it'll make the cramps worse.

2.Apply head to your abdomen by using a hot/warm pack or taking a nice warm bath.

3.Exercise. Even when you're having your period, try to exercise like normal and carry out your normal daily routine.

4.Eat Omega 3 Fatty acids which can be found from salmon,mackerel and capsule.

5.Keep away from alcohol and cigarettes. They'll worsen the cramps.

6.Stay positive!

So guys and girls, do encourage your friends who are suffering from this dreaded monthly condition.

All the best girls~

amy, xoxo

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