Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What I want for today, and the week..??

When a new day begins, so do I.
A new page of my life, with life itself waiting to scribble on the paper.

When I wake up tomorrow, I am a new person. I am no longer who I am yesterday but rather who I want to be today.

With new resolutions, new unwritten goals and an improved personality.
Sorry for the crap, anyway..

Today, I want to be more independent.
Not physically independent but emotionally independent.
I don't want to rely on anyone to get past my day.
I want to be strong for the people I love.
I don't want to let anyone down.
I want to put a smile on my face, which reaches from the depths of my heart to my lips so that I can make someone happy.
I want to make sure I read up more about Alexander The Great (and learn his charisma).
I have to finish my commerce tutorial homework and it must be done well.
I need to sleep early tomorrow.
I want to go to the movies to watch Confession of a Shopaholic with Mandy and whoever wants to come.
I want to drag my brother to it cause his facial expression would be priceless and amazingly amusing.
I want to help Mandy put her used cup on the rack, coughs*-thank Goodness she doesn't read my blog. I think.. lol.
I want to scream if dinner was as bad as yesterdays.
I crave to drink 4 cups of coffee tomorrow =).
I want to punch someone.
I want to poke Mandy.
Poor Mandy.
I need to find my pendrive.. sighs..
I want to learn French, blame Charlotte!!
I want to be a princess :D -that was random**
I need to be kiwi, to prove myself to Mandy and Cam. I have to use fork and knive.
I MUST stop Steph, Cobin and Cam from picking up the Malaysian accent.. I came here for an overseas Kiwi experience,and this dudes use 'Walauwei' and lalalas and 'makan' like nobody's business.
I want to manage my time better. I'm too much of a bummer till I can't stand it.
I want to wear skirt tomorrow, haven't done that since I got here, better make use of it before it gets colder :p

I want to be myself!

the only applie.


  1. Apple_applie:
    Be STRONG!!
    You will always have my support here (:

  2. thanks yy! i took yr advise and thought about u laast night. all our crazy moments, from buying burger midnight to eating ice cream late night. till talking when we shd b studying.
